Soybean Homecoming

Soybean Homecoming

“Soybean was originally domesticated in China. In the 18th century, soybean was introduced to America and slowly it took root and flourished in the continent. The United States, now the world’s leading exporter of soybean, dominates the global soybean trade together with Brazil and Argentina.”

“Half of their exports are bought by China. Why does soybean, which originated in China, proliferate in other countries? Why can’t we have the same productivity in our own country?”

In the past 15 years, Professor LAM Hon-ming of the School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has committed to improving the agricultural technology on marginal lands in China by combining traditional wisdom and the state-of-the-art technology. Through genomic analysis and cross-breeding, he and his research team have dedicated to formulating new strategies to improve soybean cultivation under adverse environmental conditions, such as drought and salinity.

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