SKL Centre for Soybean Reasearch, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Video Highlights

“Hong Kong” 25 people in innovation and technology 15|
Conversation with Professor Lam Hon-Ming, Professor of Life Sciences
at the Chinese University of Hong Kong: Paper is written on the land,
and the results remain on the land (Cantonese only)
「港」創科25⼈⑮|對話香港中⽂⼤學卓敏⽣命科學教授林漢明: 論⽂

Seminar at The Chinese Foundation Secondary School – Historical,
Cultural and Scientific Importance of Soybean (Cantonese only)
Seminar Details: http://www.cfss.edu.hk/event20211119a.html

“Science Innovation in Hong Kong” by Innovation and Technology
Bureau HK (Cantonese only)

Soybean Homecoming 大豆回家
“Soybean was originally domesticated in China. In the 18th century,
soybean was introduced to America and slowly it took root and
flourished in the continent. The United States, now the world’s leading
exporter of soybean, dominates the global soybean trade together with
Brazil and Argentina.”…